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And One Day after the holidays....(Part One) Holiday(?) Week Psycho psycho psycho First Post!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010 # 1:07 AM
One night after the holidays!

Ah... 4 days to Voix (pronounce it with me... Vuh-oo-ah) Peformance @ the Arts House. I'm really really excited...and really worried about it. We're somewhat there but... not quite. Hah.

More interestingly, our Voix seniors managed to get this International Acappella group called Suade (or Suede...everyone seems to spell it differently) to come down and give us a few pointers...or a lot of pointers.

The group I was preparing 3 songs. 3 rather depressing songs.

Hallejuah by Leonard Cohen,

This song sticks in your head... especially when you don't want it to. >.< It's got lyrics most people would find... disturbing. Managed to freak my sisters out while trying to memorize the lyrics. HAHA. Awesome stuff. Even with its somewhat obscene lyrics... I have to say it's a song that really digs deep down into your soul and forces you to ask "What do you believe in?" When you first start singing it, every hallejuah you breathe seems sincere, but with each passing verse, you find yourself wondering what exactly is the composer thanking the lord for? Love and Beauty? Pleasure and Sex? Halfway through, I always got the impression that it was "Hallejuah" in name. It's in the last verse that there's some sort of revelation and what he feels isn't so much angst but pain and regret. The realisation that everything about his life was a lie and there isn't much left he can do about it.

Fix You by Coldplay

Pretty popular song Most people who are into mainstream stuff should know it. Not much to say about it that hasn't already been said. Even though the song relates to comforting a loved one who has been "damaged", the lyrics seem to say much more. It talks about failure and giving up and how no matter what, you have to keep that hope alive in you. A lot about internal struggle as well.

Australian Spring.

When I first heard this song, I was Nice. Pretty lively, happy, lots of energy. It was only when our soloist delved more into the lyrics that I realised that the song was much deeper that it appeared on the surface. How far are you willing to go to chase something or someone that you love? Would you go halfway around the world? What if there was no way back? (Muahaha, Ryannnnnnnnn you should totally learn this song ^^) Here you have this person who's told his/her lover no, I can't follow you, then realises "Big mistake" and chases his/her lover all the way to the outback, no clue whether or not his/her lover will take him/her back (damn gender ambiguous songs) Love, anticipation, nervousness, and a big gamble. sounds like some korean drama. xD

Anyways, after hammering out the problems and what not....Suade gave us a live performance. XDXDXD. They're into what known as Comedy Acappella, so watch the videos and laugh, and maybe cry. ^^

Bohemian Rhapsody - Suade

Just a Gigalo - Suade

Comfortable - Suade

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